Vision In SyndrOmic Neurodevelopmental disorders – 15q (VISiON-15q) Study

What is the purpose of the VISiON-15q study?

    • Compare clinical and eye tracking measures of visual function in children with Dup15q syndrome and Angelman Syndrome (AS) with age-matched typically developing children and children with non-syndromic autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID)
    •  Compare eye tracking measures with sweep visual evoked potential (VEP) responses in children with 15q duplication and deletion.
    •  Examine correlation between visual function and overall developmental level, visual reception skills, adaptive living skills, and sensory processing in children with 15q duplication and deletion.

What is involved?

    • Eye exam
    • Eye tracking
    • Visual Evoked potentials (VEP)
    • Neuropsychological testing and questionnaires
    • Data will be recorded from child’s medical record

Who Can Participate?

    • Children ages 12 months to 12 years
    • Genetically confirmed diagnosis of Dup15q or Angelman Syndrome
    • Children with non-syndromic ASD or ID
    • Children with typical development and no eye conditions

What will you receive if you participate?

    • $60 gift card
    • Parking validation at CHLA
    • Results of exams and VEP testing
    • Examples of eye tracking